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3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion

organized by the

Collaborative Research Center Oxyflame

March 4th – 5th, 2020

Schloss Montabaur in Montabaur, Germany

March 3rd, 2020 from 7.00 pm: pre-workshop dinner at the hotel restaurant “Weitblick”

March 4th, 2020 from 8.00 pm: Workshop registration

Program for Wednesday 4th, March 2020:

08.00 -
08.30 am
Workshop registration
08.30 am Welcome
(Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler/Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Kneer)
09.00 am Keynote 1 – P. Glarborg: Bio-dust Combustion for Heat and Power Production
10.00 am Coffee break and poster session
10.30 am Keynote 2 – H. Spliethoff: Reaction Kinetics of Pulverized Fuels in Combustion and Gasification Atmospheres
11.30 am Session 1: Pyrolysis and Gasification (Session Chair: Mário Costa)
K. Umeki: Investigation of biomass gasification process under various operating conditions inside entrained flow cyclone gasifier
T. Jayawickrama: The effect of Stefan flow on the gasification of suspended char particles
C. Wedler: Evolution of micro- and mesopore structure during pyrolysis of coal and biomass in different atmospheres
P. Debiagi: Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in pyrolysis and oxidation in various atmospheres
12:10 pm Lunch break
01.30 pm Session 2: Ignition (Session Chair: Heinz Pitsch)
M. Costa: Ignition and combustion of single pulverized biomass and coal particles in N2/O2 and CO2/O2 environments
P. Farmand: Direct numerical simulation of solid fuel ignition and combustion in laminar and turbulent jets in oxy-atmosphere
02.10 pm Poster session
04.20 pm Session 3: Experiments (Session Chair: Hartmut Spliethoff)
Y. Gu: Comparison of scattering phase functions of reacting and non-reacting pulverized fuel particles
Chr. Geschwindner: Experimental and numerical investigation of solid fuel particle group combustion under air- and oxy-atmospheres
M. Vodička: Experimental study of the staged supply of oxygen in the oxy-fuel combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed
A. Maßmeyer: Stability analysis of 60 kW coal flames under air and oxyfuel- conditions
M. Sentko: Determination of temperature and concentration of major combustion species in fuel-rich methane flames under elevated pressure
06.00 pm Workshop dinner

Program for Thursday 5th, March 2020:

08.30 am Keynote 3 – M. Hupa: Chemical Challenges in Combustion of Biomass Fuels
09.10 am Session 4: Pollutants (Session Chair: Peter Glarborg)
L. Diez: The effect of large steam addition on the NOx formation during oxy‐combustion of bituminous and subbituminous coals
J. Sun: Investigation of soot formation characteristics during oxy-coal combustion in reducing-to-O2/CO2 ambiences
09.50 am Coffee break and poster session
10.30 am Keynote 4– H. Lampe: 4C-Chances and Challenges for Climate Changes caused by the Cement Industry
11.10 am Session 5: Pollutants – cont. (Session Chair: Peter Glarborg)
D. Schmidt: Experimental assessment of the release of Nitrogen, Sulfur and Chlorine species during pyrolysis of coal and torrefied biomass in CO2 atmosphere
J. Nwaboh: Direct, absolute and selective NO2 measurements as from fuel combustion process emissions using dTDLAS
11:50 am Lunch break
01.00 pm Session 6: Modelling (Session Chair: Christian Hasse)
C. Pflieger: Reactivity of mineral-free and doped synthetic chars in O2-, CO2- and H2O-containing atmospheres
K. Fröhlich: Development of drag correlations for ellipsoidal particles using fully resolved simulations
A. Shamooni: Investigation of turbulent solid fuel combustion using a comprehensive Euler-Lagrange framework with detailed homogeneous and heterogeneous kinetics
D. Meller: Evaluation of a moving reference frame approach for the numerical analysis of pulverized coal combustion
M. Richter: Spectral modeling of an oxy-fuel pulverized coal fired boiler considering non-gray gas and particles
H. Nicolai: Large Eddy Simulation of a semi-industrial pulverized coal combustion chamber under oxyfuel atmospheres using tabulated chemistry
03.00 pm Final discussion
03.10 pm End of Workshop