Andreas Dreizler at TEDxTUDarmstadt
Iron as a carrier for energy from renewable sources
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Experiments in Fluids Webinar Series: UHS-PIV
Teaser Presentation by , RSM Christopher Geschwindner
Geschwindner, C., Westrup, K., Dreizler, A. et al. . Exp Fluids 63, 75 (2022) Ultra-high-speed time-resolved PIV of turbulent flows using a continuously pulsing fiber laser
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CRC/TRR 150 Overview
(available only in German) Im erarbeiten Wissenschaftler*innen der TU Darmstadt und des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie gemeinsam die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und Modelle zur chemischen Reaktionskinetik, zu komplexen Dreiphasenströmungen, zur instationären Wärmeübertragung in Wandnähe und zur Turbulenz-Chemie-Wand-Interaktion. SFB/TRR 150
Project B4 – CRC 129 Oxyflame
Detailed experimental investigation and characterisation of oxy-fuel biomass burners via laser-optical methods
Principal investigator at RSM:
Scientific assistant at RSM:
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Project B5 – CRC 129 Oxyflame
Robust absorption-spectroscopic diagnostics for biomass combustion: measurement methods for gas species, gas temperatures and particle loading
Principal investigator at RSM:
Scientific assistant at RSM:
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Project B7 – CRC 129 Oxyflame
Investigation of ignition and combustion processes of solid fuel particles under oxy-fuel conditions
Principal investigator at RSM:
Scientific assistant at RSM:
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Forschung für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft – TU Darmstadt & RSM
Die TU Darmstadt versteht die Forschung zur Energiewende als gesellschaftlichen Auftrag. Das RSM ist hierbei eines der zentralen Fachgebieten, an denen an den Transformationslösungen von morgen geforscht wird.
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Vorstellung der Fachgebiete RSM & STFS an der TU Darmstadt
Short video about RSM and STFS and their work.
Digital lecture for the Combustion Institute: Prof. Dreizler
In this lecture the different fields of applications of laser diagnostics are discussed and exemplified by most recent developments. The topics span from investigation of fundamental phenomena, validation experiments, technology development towards robust sensing.
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Reaktive Strömungen und Messtechnik – Institute Presentation
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PIV of solid fuel combustion – Oxy-fuel burner
Researchers at TU Darmstadt are studying the future of solid fuel power plants which are ready to employ CO2 storage of their fuel gas using the Oxy-fuel combustion method.
In this video, we employ the PIV method to measure the velocity of particles and their surrounding gas phase which helps simulations in need of validation data.
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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Awardee 2014 – Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler
Short introduction into RSM and Prof. Dreizler's research focus as he was awarded the 2014 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
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The optically accessible engine (2012)
Investigating combustion processes inside the running engine
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IC Engine Research – RSM TU Darmstadt
Investigating physical processes with advanced optical diagnostics on an optically accessible research engine
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