Bild: American Public Power AssociationBild: American Public Power Association
Neue Studie von Christof Bauer untersucht Auswirkungen der Wachstumsinitiative auf negative Strompreise
Zusätzliche Maßnahmen nötig, um negative Strompreise trotz geplanter Regierungsinitiativen zu reduzieren.
Eine neue Studie von Christof Bauer, RSM-Professor und Energieberater, zeigt, dass die geplanten Regierungsmaßnahmen nicht ausreichen, um negative Strompreise im Kurzfristmarkt wirksam zu senken. Weitere Schritte sind erforderlich, um die finanziellen Belastungen zu mindern.
Bild: Michèle KnodtBild: Michèle Knodt
Clean Circles bei „alles wissen“
hr-Fernsehbeitrag über unsere Forschung zu Eisen als Energiespeicher ausgestrahlt
Redakteur Rainer Terzo von der „Alles Wissen“ Redaktion des Hessischer Rundfunk hat Clean Circles im November mit einem Drehteam besucht, um mehr über Eisen als zentralen Baustein der Energiewende zu erfahren.
Bild: RSMBild: RSM
ERC Synergy Grant für die Gasturbinen der neuen Generation
RSM erhält Förderung für HYROPE – Hydrogen under pressure
Das Projekt HYROPE – Hydrogen under pressure, an dem Professor Andreas Dreizler vom Fachgebiet Reaktive Strömungen und Messtechnik am Fachbereich Maschinenbau beteiligt ist, wird im Rahmen des ERC Synergy Grants mit über zwölf Millionen Euro gefördert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung von Gasturbinen, die ohne die Emission von treibhausförderndem CO 2 auskommen. Das Projekt HYROPE – Hydrogen under pressure, an dem Professor Andreas Dreizler vom Fachgebiet Reaktive Strömungen und Messtechnik am Fachbereich Maschinenbau beteiligt ist, wird im Rahmen des ERC Synergy Grants mit über zwölf Millionen Euro gefördert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung von Gasturbinen, die ohne die Emission von treibhausförderndem CO2 auskommen.
Picture: Christopher Geschwindner, RSMPicture: Christopher Geschwindner, RSM
Particle-resolved experiments for clean solid fuel combustion
New review article published in the journal Measurement Science and Technology
The use of iron and biomass is an important building block for future climate-neutral power generation. But how exactly can the micrometer-sized particles of such solid fuels be studied? Researchers at RSM show how the properties of burning particles can be measured in a comprehensive review article in the journal Measurement Science and Technology.
Professor Dreizler in Discourse over Energy Supply
The First E+E Discourse Took Place on December 1, 2022
In the first discourse of the research field Energy + Environment (E+E), moderated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz in the Lichtenberghaus, innovative energy projects were presented and topics such as scarcity of raw materials, opportunities and risks of nuclear fusion, as well as prerequisites for innovations in Germany and Europe were discussed. The project “SolarRetrofit” (Ulrich Hueck, Siemens), which is based on the idea of Desertec, was presented as well as the cluster project “Clean Circles”, which deals with the storage of energy using iron (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler, TU Darmstadt). Other guests included Prof. Dr. Markus Roth, founder of Focused Energy, and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kramm from the collaborative research center “Iron, Upgraded!”.
Iron instead of coal combustion? Andreas Dreizler was guest in “Wissenschaft im Dialog”
Reduction and oxidation of iron as CO2-free future technology for energy generation and storage? Andreas Dreizler talked about this with F.A.Z. journalist Sascha Zoske on Monday, April 3, 2023, as a guest of the series “Wissenschaft im Dialog”, organized by the Polytechnische Gesellschaft, the Kunstgewerbeverein Frankfurt and the F.A.Z.-Vorteilwelt.
Bild: Christopher Geschwindner, RSMBild: Christopher Geschwindner, RSM
Seminar: Towards Carbon-neutral Energy and Processes
One-day seminar honoring Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus included several talks from renowned speakers
Picture: Robin Schultheis, RSMPicture: Robin Schultheis, RSM
Publications of RSM at the 39th International Symposium on Combustion
Ten contributions with participation of the RSM were presented at the internationally renowned conference in Vancouver
Bild: RSMBild: RSM
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung berichtet über Forschung im Clusterprojekt Clean Circles
Eisen statt Kohle als Energieträger der nahen Zukunft
Picture: RSMPicture: RSM
Funding for Innovative Energy Research
Funding for the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 150 is Renewed
SFB TRR 150 funding was extended and begins its third phase.
Towards Carbon-neutral Energy and Processes: A one-day seminar hosted by RSM
Join us for an interesting seminar on the transformation of our future energy systems on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, we cordially invite you to a one-day seminar entitled „Towards Carbon-neutral Energy and Processes“. Topical reviews will be presented by distinguished scientists, providing the opportunity for intense discussion and networking. Information on the presenters, titles and abstracts can be found below. The event is especially aimed at PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows. For travel information, accommodations and online registration, please visit the homepage of this seminar (link below). This seminar is supported by the Clean Circles and SFB/Transregio 150 projects.
Bild: TEDxTUDarmstadtBild: TEDxTUDarmstadt
Prof. Dreizler bei TEDxTUDarmstadt
Event mit TED-Talk zu aktueller Forschung am RSM
Picture: RSMPicture: RSM
Professor Dreizler admitted to the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature
Professor Andreas Dreizler from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TU Darmstadt has been accepted as a full member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. He heads the Institute of Reactive Flows and Diagnostics and is the spokesman of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregios 150 (“Turbulent, chemically reactive, multi-phase flows near walls”). Dreizler has received several awards for his research achievements, including the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (2014) and the Fritz and Margot Faudi Foundation Prize (2012). He has been a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering since last year, and also belongs to the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry and the Optical Society, among others. In total, the academy accepted six new members. Founded in 1949 on the initiative of Alfred Döblin, the non-university research institution and learned society is one of eight science academies in Germany. Its goals are the cultivation of science and literature as well as the preservation and promotion of culture. The Mainz Academy comprises three classes (mathematical and natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, and the class of literature and music), each with up to 50 full and 50 corresponding members.
Picture: TRR 150Picture: TRR 150
Information day for girls of the Liebfrauenschule Bensheim
Insights into Mechanical Engineering
On 28 June 2022, a group of schoolgirls from the Liebfrauenschule Bensheim were guests at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Andreas Dreizler had invited the school's basic physics course to the TU Darmstadt. The background to this excursion was to provide insights into the job profile of an engineering scientist.
Picture: Christopher Geschwindner, RSMPicture: Christopher Geschwindner, RSM
Experiments in Fluids Webinar: RSM presents new study on laser-based turbulent flow diagnostics
Ultra-high-speed measurements in turbulent flows conducted with a fiber laser
Reliable measurements of flow fields are necessary to gain a deeper understanding of many processes in nature and engineering. The results and possibilities of an improved method developed at the RSM have been published in the journal Experiments in Fluids and will be presented in the journal's own webinar.
Picture: TRR 150Picture: TRR 150
Video presentation of subprojects of the CRC 150
Short video introductions of the research conducted at RSM on chemically reacting flows near walls.
Members of RSM Win Computation 2020 Best Paper Award
Collaboration between experimentalists and numerical engineers awarded best contribution
On March 31 st , 2022, the open access peer-reviewed journal Computation announced that members of RSM won the 2020 Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Evaluation of a Near-Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Analysis of Complex Flows Relevant to IC Engines.”
Bild: acatechBild: acatech
Professor Andreas Dreizler ist neues acatech-Mitglied
Neuer Sonderforschungsbereich nimmt das Element Eisen unter die Lupe
Projekt A03 des SFB 1487 – Eisen, neu gedacht! beginnt zum 1. Januar 2022 am RSM
Im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 1487 „Eisen, neu gedacht!“ wird im Förderzeitraum vom 1.1.2022 bis zum 1.1.2025 die Nutzung von eisenbasierten Werkstoffen mit dem Fokus auf ihre magnetischen und katalytischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Eisen ist das am häufigsten in der Erdkruste vorkommende Metall und könnte zukünftig seltene, toxische und umweltschädliche Metalle in wesentlichen chemischen Anwendungen ersetzen. Am Fachbereich Maschinenbau beteiligt sich das Fachgebiet Reaktive Strömungen und Messtechnik am Forschungskonsortium.
Position paper in the journal Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
Newly published
The role of combustion science and technology in low and zero impact energy transformation processes
Picture: RSMPicture: RSM
Video: Research for a climate-neutral future
How chemical energy carriers fuel technologies for the clean transformation of the energy system
Picture: The Combustion InstitutePicture: The Combustion Institute
Contributions of RSM to the 38th International Symposium on Combustion
Six papers published with the involvement of the Institute of Reactive Flows and Diagnostics
Picture: RSM / Henrik SchneiderPicture: RSM / Henrik Schneider
Subproject videos of the CRC/TRR 129 Oxyflame
How the RSM contributes to the research on oxy-fuel combustion
Bild: RSM / STFSBild: RSM / STFS
Relevanz chemischer Energieträger für die Energiewende
Wie die Transformation des Energiesystems gelingen kann
Die Vorhersagen der Klimaforschung sind hochgradig besorgniserregend. Gleichzeitig spornen sie zu raschem Handeln an. Chemische Energieträger werden in der Umgestaltung des globalen Energiesystems mehr denn je eine zentrale Rolle spielen.
Bild: RSMBild: RSM
Trotz Corona: Studentische Arbeiten am RSM weiterhin problemlos möglich
Wir bieten innerhalb der Hygieneregelungen weiterhin eine große Vielfalt an spannenden Themen für Thesis und ADP an.